

Dear Clients, Students, Colleagues and Friends! Thank you for the year 2023, Have a relaxing Christmas time and Successful year of 2024 !

In the season of snow, with joy and delight, VAT brings its cheer, shining so bright. A tax on consumption, it’s here to stay, But during Christmas, it finds a special way.

In the stores, on the gifts, and the holiday feast, VAT quietly joins in, a gracious, humble beast. It funds public services, that’s its daily role, But at Christmas, it warms every heart and soul.

For it helps build the roads, and the hospitals too, Ensuring our communities have much they can do. At this time of giving, VAT plays its part, Supporting our nation with a caring heart.

So let’s remember, as we celebrate and sing, That VAT, in its way, adds to the joy of this thing. It helps us all thrive, in our own special way, As we come together on this Christmas Day.


21.02.2025 I Marja Hokkanen

Oikeutetut odotukset ja haltijan vastuu tarkistaa asiakirjojen pätevyys: C-376/23, Baltic Container

Baltic Containerilla oli lupa lastata, purkaa ja varastoida tavaroita Riian sataman vapaa-alueella. Verohallinto oli hyväksynyt unionin tullikoodeksin 214 artiklassa tarkoitetut asiakirjat, joilla Baltic Container oli rek...


15.12.2024 I Marja Hokkanen

Rentouttavaa ja tunnelmallista joulunaikaa sekä onnea vuodelle 2025!

On joulun aika, hiljenee maa, mutta verotuksella työt jatkuvat vaan. Arvonlisävero valtiolle kassan kätköistä kiertää, ja valmistevero juomiin joulun mieltä lisää. Kun kauppias hyllyille tavarat tuo, on verotus mukana, sekin iloa luo. Piparit,...


06.11.2024 I Marja Hokkanen

The Concept of an exempt Investment Fund, from the Perspective of Investor Risk (X and Others, Joined Cases C‑639/22 and C‑644/22)

The case concerns Dutch pension funds, some of which are compulsory occupational pension funds, sectoral pension funds and company pension funds, and the question of whether these pension ...