

Dear Clients, Students, Colleagues and Friends! Thank you for the year 2023, Have a relaxing Christmas time and Successful year of 2024 !

In the season of snow, with joy and delight, VAT brings its cheer, shining so bright. A tax on consumption, it’s here to stay, But during Christmas, it finds a special way.

In the stores, on the gifts, and the holiday feast, VAT quietly joins in, a gracious, humble beast. It funds public services, that’s its daily role, But at Christmas, it warms every heart and soul.

For it helps build the roads, and the hospitals too, Ensuring our communities have much they can do. At this time of giving, VAT plays its part, Supporting our nation with a caring heart.

So let’s remember, as we celebrate and sing, That VAT, in its way, adds to the joy of this thing. It helps us all thrive, in our own special way, As we come together on this Christmas Day.


21.02.2025 I Marja Hokkanen

Legitimate Expectations and Holder’s Responsibility to verify the Validity of the Documentation: CJEU Case C-376/23, Baltic Container

Baltic Container was licensed to load, unload and store goods in the free zone of the port of Riga. The tax administration had approved the documents referred to in Article 214 of the Uni...


02.06.2024 I Marja Hokkanen

World is changing, how does the taxation change? Maailma muuttuu - miten muuttuu verotus?

In an ever-evolving world, how does taxation keep pace with rapid transformations? Or whether taxation is the right way to implement the desired changes? This is the central question explored in the Minipodcast in which I was intervi...
