Privacy Policy


Attorney Marja Hokkanen Ltd, Antinkatu 3 D, 7th floor, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Contact person for matters concerning the register

Marja Hokkanen
Antinkatu 3 D, 7th floor, 00100 Helsinki
0400 439855,

Name of the register

Attorney Marja Hokkanen Ltd client and client register

General information

This Privacy Policy provides information on what personal data we collect about our clients and how we use the data in accordance with data protection legislation. It also contains information about the rights of our customers in relation to their personal data.

We will always process personal data in accordance with the law in force. As a member of a Finnish Bar Association, we follow the guidelines of the Finnish Bar Association in addition to the legislation.

Grounds for and purposes of processing personal data

The processing of personal data is based on the client relationship between Attorney Marja Hokkanen Ltd and the client and the client’s consent. Personal data is processed for the performance of a task assigned to the client, by a court or other authority, for the fulfilment of obligations laid down by law and for the realisation of a legitimate interest.
Our company also processes the personal data of minors, if necessary. The processing of personal data of minors is carried out in accordance with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation, with particular care and with the consent required by law.

The personal data recorded in the register will be processed for the following purposes

  • The execution of assignments for Attorney Marja Hokkanen Ltd
  • Customer relationship management, monitoring and development, customer relationship communication and marketing
  • Monitoring the client’s payment behaviour and work orders
  • Fulfilling statutory and regulatory obligations to maintain, report and inquire about data and information in accordance with laws and other regulations

Data content of the register

The main data in the register depending on whether the customer is an individual or a business customer:

  • Name of the company
  • Company address
  • Company name Business name
  • Name of the person
  • Address of the person
  • Personal ID
  • E-mail address
  • Information required by law to identify the sponsor, such as a copy of the identity card
  • Nature of the assignment
  • Identification/personal data of the client’s counterparties and contributors
  • Payment and billing information, including insurance information
  • Other personal data obtained in the course of the execution of the mandate and necessary for the execution of the mandate, such as marital status, family relationships, employment, assets, debts, tax information and health status of the client.

We will take all possible and reasonable steps to monitor the timeliness of the data and will review the register information when it changes. In this way, we ensure that personal data that are inaccurate or incorrect for the purposes of processing are erased or rectified.

Regular data sources

The main source of data is the Customer himself and, in the case of the Company, the contact person of the Company.
Data may also be collected from public authorities or other third parties within the limits permitted by applicable law for the purposes described in this Register Notice.

Data retention periods

The information stored in the client and client order register is kept for as long as it is necessary for the operation of the law firm and in accordance with the legislation that binds us and the instructions of the Bar Association. Material relating to assignments is kept for at least 10 years after the end of the assignment. Thereafter, we will retain the information to the extent necessary to resolve conflicts of interest and to protect the legal rights of our employees.

Regular disclosures of data

The information in the register is only available to Attorney Marja Hokkanen Ltd.

As a rule, the data in the register will not be disclosed to third parties, except where required by law.

Our firm has agreements with certain service providers who, as part of the service they provide, may process personal data on our behalf. Appropriate agreements are in place with these service providers to ensure the proper processing of personal data also in these situations.

The personal data of the data subject will be deleted at the request of the user, unless the deletion is prevented by law, a contractual matter or the provision of a service to the data subject.

Transfer of data outside the EU or EEA

The data in the register will not be transferred outside the EU or the EEA.

Principles for the protection of the register

Personal data in electronic form is protected by generally accepted and reasonable technical means in the industry, such as firewalls and passwords. Non-electronic material containing personal data from the register is kept in locked premises, to which access by unauthorised persons is denied.

Only the controller or a service provider involved in data processing acting on behalf of the controller or a member of the staff of Attorney Marja Hokkanen Ltd or a service provider acting on behalf of the controller shall have access to the personal data processed in the register in accordance with the access rights granted by Attorney Marja Hokkanen Ltd.

Attorney Marja Hokkanen Ltd takes into account the applicable legislation and regulations of the authorities and industry associations’ guidelines on ensuring the confidential processing of personal data.

Client rights in relation to the processing of personal data

The client has the right to check what data concerning him/her has been stored. This request may be refused on the grounds provided for by law. The exercise of this right is free of charge.

The customer has the right to request the rectification of inaccurate data concerning him/her. In addition, the customer has the right to request the erasure of data concerning him or her or to request the restriction of processing on the grounds provided for by law.

To the extent that the customer has provided us with data himself or herself, the customer has the right to receive such data in machine-readable form and the right to transfer such data to another controller.

The customer has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority if the controller has not complied with the applicable data protection regulation.

The competent supervisory authority in matters relating to the processing of the customer’s personal data is the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman, Lintulahdenkuja 4, 00530 Helsinki, tel. 029 566 6700,

For further information, please contact

In matters concerning the processing of personal data and in situations relating to the exercise of personal rights, the client should contact Attorney Marja Hokkanen Ltd either by letter or e-mail:

Attorney Marja Hokkanen Ltd.
Antinkatu 3 D, 7th floor, 00100 Helsinki, Finland


21.02.2025 I Marja Hokkanen

Legitimate Expectations and Holder’s Responsibility to verify the Validity of the Documentation: CJEU Case C-376/23, Baltic Container

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